Our approach is based on our unique perspective of the call centre business and our operating principles. With this approach, we develop solutions that fit.
Our Perspective
What is the PAG perspective of the call centre business? We look at the call centre as a system of processes that create value for internal and external customers. In many cases an output of a process becomes an input into the next process. For this reason, any analysis, assessment and improvement initiative must include all related processes. The Best Practices section provides an overview of this system and an in-depth description of all processes.
Our Operating Principles
In addition to our perspective for making improvements in the call centre, we are anchored in the following principles:
- Client employee involvement enriches the outcome of a consultant’s engagement. Their business insights never fail to strengthen the recommended solution. We at PAG prefer to work with the client’s subject matter experts.
- There is a system of cause and effect operating within and between all call centre processes. Considering this factor is vital when solving a problem. It is necessary to examine all the processes within the total call centre system that could produce the performance failure. We at PAG spend quality time to ensure the project is solving the right problem.
- The call centre business is one of managing relationships. Managing relationships with customers and call centre employees is obvious. Less obvious is the relationship with other departments and this is key to influencing change in the company. We at PAG believe that it is possible to increase the call centre’s stature within the company with every improvement initiative.
Types of Solutions
In our experience, we normally develop a solution in one of the following ways:
- Home grown solution
This involves using a proven improvement methodology to develop a solution within an internal project team of subject matter experts. The focus is on using the expertise within the client’s organization to solve the specific problem. - Adopting known best practices
This involves learning about best practices assimilated from a variety of sources in the call centre industry that provide a framework for a solution. This material identifies what others do, why they do it but not the specific qualitative or quantitative performance result. Therefore, an in-depth assessment by the project team of the current situation, the improvement target and the gap between both is required before adopting the practice. The focus is on keeping the underlying principles intact while adapting the best practices as a solution. - Discovering from others
This involves a benchmarking study to identify best practices in other companies that produce superior results. The experience of discovery for the internal project team provides an excellent learning opportunity and enhances buy-in to the solution. Seeing is believing. The focus is adopting the best practices into the client organization, not redesigning them to fit the way the client has always done business. This likely involves significant change for the client. - Purchasing packaged solutions
This involves purchasing a solution from a vendor who can quantify the expected improvement and provide opportunities to observe the solution in action within other companies. The project team’s key to success is to select the best vendor. The focus is on defining the right problem and documenting a set of requirements to solve the problem before selecting the vendor.