
As a service to our visitors we have gathered a list of related books that may be of interest to you. In some cases we have provided comments about the contents of the book. For your convenience we are presenting this list in three main categories of Contact Centre, Customer Service, and Customer Satisfaction. You could simply scroll down this list or click on the link to directly go to that section.

Please note that we provide this listing as a value-add service to you. We do not endorse any book, author or publisher listed here.

Contact Centre

Call Center for Dummies (2nd Edition), Real Bergevin, Afshan Kinder, Winston Segal, and Bruce Simpson, Wiley, 2010.

Call Center Management On Fast Forward (updated and expanded edition), Brad Cleveland, Call Center Press, 2007.

Call Center Handbook: The Complete Guide to Starting, Running and Improving Your Call Center, 5th Edition, Keith Dawson, Miller Freeman Telecom Books, 2004.

Call Center Staffing, Penny Reynolds, The Call Center School, 2003.

Call Center Operations Management Handbook, Brad Cleveland and Debbie Harne, ICMI, 2003.

Tele-Stress: Relief for Call Center Stress, 2nd Edition, Stephen Coscia, Miller Freeman Telecom Books, 1999.

Call Center Dictionary: The Complete Guide to Call Center and Help Desk Technology and Operations, 2nd Edition, Madeline Bodin and Keith Dawson, Miller Freeman Telecom Books, 1999.

Call Center Savvy: How to Position Your Call Center for the Business Challenges of the 21st Century, Keith Dawson, Miller Freeman Telecom Books, 1999.

Profiting from Teleservices; An Operational Guide to Call Center Technologies, McGraw-Hill, 1999.

Inbound Customer Call-Center Design:Management Information Systems, Jon Anton, T. Richard Bennett and Richard Widdows, Ichor Business Books, 1998.

Maximizing Call Center Performance: 136 Great Ideas For Your Call Center, Madeline Bodin, Miller Freeman Telecom Books, 1998.

Customer Service

Free, Perfect, & Now: Reinventing The Customer Connection: A CEO’s True Story, Curtis Hartman/ Robert Rodin, Simon & Schuster, 1999.

A handbook for improving customer service and satisfaction.

Here’s How: Turn Customer Service Into Customer Sales, Bernard Katz, NTC, 1999.

This book offers advice on all operational aspects of excellent customer service, from hiring new staff all the way to after sales follow-up.

Strategic Customer Care: A Strategic Approach to Increasing Customer Value and Profitability, Stanley Brown, Wiley, 1999.

This book discusses approaches to managing relationships with customers effectively; and how to treat customers as assets. Provides methodology to achieve the high standard of customer service.

Breakthrough Customer Service: Best Practices Of Leaders In Customer Support, Stanley A. Brown, Wiley, 1997.

A collection of articles presenting best practices in customer service from best-in-class companies. (PAG founders are featured in Chapter 11).

Beyond Customer Service: Keeping Customers for Life, Richard Gerson, Crisp Publications Incorporated, 1997.

Creating Customer Connections: How to Make Customer Service a Profit Center for Your Company, 1st Edition, Jack Burke, Silver Lake Publishers, 1997.

Collection of case studies and interviews to show how businesses can use customer service to increase customer retention.

Customer Service for the New Millennium: Winning & Keeping Value-Driven Buyers, Robert B. Tucker, Career PR Inc., 1997.

The Enemy Within: Actions That Self-Destruct Companies & Customer Service, Richard Buchanan, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1996.

Exceptional Customer Service: Ways To Expand Business And Boost Profits, Lisa Ford, Monarch Books Of Canada, 1995.

This book presents customer service training – for your entire staff, resulting in superior customer service.

Getting Partnering Right:How Market Leaders Are Creating Long-Term Competitive Advantage, Lawrence Friedman, Neil Rackham, and Richard Ruff, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1995.

From the best-selling author of S.P.I.N. Selling. Discussing ways to build a long-term customer relationship.

Customer Service, Wendy Carter, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1994.

Customer Service Excellence, Debra J. MacNeill, Irwin Professional Publishing, 1994.

This book offers techniques for meeting customer expectations, analyzing customer needs and managing customer complaints.

The Customer-Driven Company: Moving from Talk to Action, Richard C. Whiteley, Perseus Books, 1993.

A bestseller which provides practical information on customer service from companies like Xerox, Westinghouse, American Express, and Fidelity Investments.

How May I Help You: Providing Personal Service in an Impersonal World, Stephen C. Broydrick, Irwin Professional Publishing, 1993.

Practical techniques in providing person-to-person customer service and creating higher customer satisfaction using mix of technology and human touch.

Hey, I’m the Customer:Front Line Tips for Providing Superior Customer, Ron Willingham, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1992.

This book by a sales trainer shows readers how to focus on customer needs and provide superior service that can attract and retain customers.

Customer Satisfaction

Finding The Profit In Customer Satisfaction: Translating Best Practices Into Bottom-line Results, Jonathan Barsky, NTC Publishing Group, 1998.

This book offers a new approach in finding profitability in customer satisfaction. The author presents three keys to customer satisfaction— employees, customers and competitors.

Measuring Customer Satisfaction: Survey Design, Use, & Statistical Analysis Methods, Bob E. Hayes, Vanwell Publishing Company, 1997.

A bestseller since 1992

Beyond Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty:The Key to Greater Profitability, Keki R. Bhote, AMA, 1996.

This Management Briefing describes the four stages of a company’s evolution from customer satisfaction to customer loyalty. It also provides a seven-step roadmap to help companies increase customer retention.

The Customer is Always Right!: Thought-Provoking Insights on the Importance of Customer Satisfaction from Today’s Business Leaders, Armen Kabodian, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1996.

Using quotes from more than 150 leaders in American business and government this book discusses why customer satisfaction is so important. Includes quotes from Blockbuster Entertainment Chairman and CEO H. Wayne Huizenga, Barnes & Noble Chairman and CEO Michael R. Quinlan, and many more.

In Charge of Customer Satisfaction:A Competence Approach, Roger Cartwright/ George Green, Blackwell Publishers, 1996.

This book focuses on the importance of customer care at every level of the organization. It is based on interviews with staff at all levels in companies such as Virgin Atlantic, Princess Cruises, British Airways, Unipart and local government.

World Class Customer Satisfaction, Jonathan Barsky, Irwin Professional Publishing, 1996.

This book presents customer-service techniques from around the world, in an eight-step, “how-to” program. Also includes steps for implementing total quality and benchmarking activities.

Measuring Customer Satisfaction:A Guide to Managing Quality Service, Richard F. Gerson/ Brenda Machosky, Crisp Publications, 1993.