Best-in-Class Contact Centres

How do you compete and WIN in your market?  By creating the Cult of the Customer.  Attend this workshop and find out how companies who compete to win do just this.  Put yourself on a path where you can begin to understand and learn how to do this in your organization.

After extensive benchmarking studies, PAG has collected series of best observed practices that enable best-in-class centres to achieve the cult of the customer.  During this full day workshop you will learn about the benchmarking process, best-in-class contact centres and their best practices.  You will be provided with an overview of each of the best practices and some of the key barriers encountered to successful implementation.  Then the workshop participants will have the opportunity to select three of the best practices.  The workshop leader will then provide a detailed overview of the best practices selected, including a comprehensive review of critical success factors for implementation.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • An overview of an award-winning benchmarking process
  • Defining cult of the customer
  • Overview of all best practices identified by various best-in-class centres
  • How, when these are combined into a system, they create a Cult of the Customer environment.
  • About three of the best practices YOU select:
    • Detailed description of the 3 best practices including their key enablers
    • Key success factors to implementation
    • Potential barriers and how to deal with them
    • The role of leadership in implementing these practices
    • Selection and training for benchmarking team members
  • There will be thirty minutes set aside at the end of the work shop to ensure adequate time for round table discussion.

Who would benefit from this workshop?

  • Contact centre managers and their team leaders who are responsible for operational efficiency and effectiveness of the centre
  • Contact centre managers aiming to achieve best-in-class status for their centre
  • Contact centre managers facing low customer satisfaction, FCR results who need to improve upon their operations.