Complaint Management System

Have you ever complained about a product or a service?  How did you feel about its outcome?  Studies have shown that if a customer’s complaint is resolved to his or her satisfaction that customer becomes more loyal than a satisfied customer with no complaint at all!  There is so much to learn from a customer’s complaint that best-in-class organizations welcome complaints and build their centres as a complaint friendly environment.  What is a complaint and how should your centre deal with it?  The answer lies within a complaint management system.

A complete complaint management system not only provides a resolution to the customer’s issue, but also provides insight for improving internal processes and procedures so that the issue does not repeat itself.  In this one day workshop, you will learn how to benefit from your customers’ complaints, making your centre complaint friendly, the three stages of a complaint management system, key success factors and potential barriers to an effective complaint management system.  The workshop participants will have the opportunity to discuss characteristics of a complaint management system within their own organization.

In this work shop you will learn:

  • Real value of a complaint
  • An overview of complaint management system.
    • Resolution
    • Good will
    • Process feedback and improvement
  • Designing and implementing a complete complaint management system

Who would benefit from this workshop?

  • Contact centre managers and their team leaders who are responsible for long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Contact centre managers aiming to achieve best-in-class status for their centre
  • Contact centre managers facing low customer satisfaction and/or high number of customer complaints, or high number of customer defection